One Chapter Ends, Another Begins. June 1999

Bent Pines Ranch, Grangeville ID
One chapter ends as another will begin. My husband has finally come to terms with his future, and has decided to retire from his employer of 33 years, Publix Super Markets, “where working is a pleasure”. Publix will forever remain in Bobs heart, and green in his blood, for the cultivation of moral character and career opportunity that the company gave to him during his teenage years, and most of all, his adult life.
Based in Lakeland, Fl, and founded by the late George Jenkins, Publix Super Markets dedicated as much to Bob over his 33 year tenure, as he himself dedicated to Publix. Bob once told me that he could never show enough gratitude to ALL the people who helped him on a daily basis, and would like to say here, “Thank you Publix, for letting me be a part of such a premiere organization! Publix will always be a part of me”.
So, in his transition from a corporate lifestyle where 20 beeps a day, 10 phone calls, and emails galore, was a part of normal daily life, Bob’s new retirement lifestyle will bring other challenges like keeping our Ford F250 tuned up, the six wheeler ATV filled with gas, the guns lock-n-loaded, and keeping our flock of wild beasts fed. We’ve worked so hard to achieve our dreams, that Bob and I would like to share a part of what has drawn us to the wild wild west, in a webpage featuring our new ranch home in Idaho.
Of the total 67 acres, our ranch home and barn sit atop a knoll of about 20 acres in size, from which the rest of the 47 acres slope gently into a rocky but lush canyon where our pet beasts roam and quench their thirst on Mill Creek below. Whitetail deer, wild turkey, and grouse are known to visit daily, as well as less frequent, and more intimidating sightings of black bear , coyotes, and cougar. Bob has proof of bears roaming freely around Bent Pine, since he still has bear dukie on his boots from his last visit to the ranch. Bobby and I find the total privacy and seclusion of Bent Pine Ranch just perfect for our anti-rat-race campaign. Located just 7 miles outside of Grangeville at the foothills of the Bitteroot Mountains, our ranch is only minutes away from the Clearwater River, which is the river travelled by Lewis and Clark in the final leg of their expedition to the Columbia River Basin. The Salmon and Snake Rivers are nearby as well, sporting locations great for fishing, hiking, white water rafting, camping, and simply, the big sky country.
We’re very excited about our transition from the rat-race to the tranquility of mountain country, and spending quality time with Bob’s brother. Tom is a true mountain man, a hunting afficionado. We’ve got our camping gear in tow, since we’ll be joining Tom on the beautiful summer days and starry nights beside the Salmon River. And finally, I’ll have a dog named “Strut”, the Jack Russell Terrier I’ve always wanted, but never had the heart to confine to condo life. Bob says that he read somewhere that “bears just love Jack Russell Terriers”. Bob has already begun to refer to my little doggie as “Bear Food”. Hmpfh! There will be more to come on this website, so please bookmark this page and keep in touch.
Historical Fun Fact
Did you know, that back at the turn of the 19th century, Lewis and Clark led their Corp of Discovery expedition through these historic mountains, and met the Nez Perce Indians who offered the explorers shelter for the winter? Since Bob is becoming quite an expert historian on the subject of Lewis and Clark, we’ll be adding some interesting historical tidbits about their trek across these parts back in the late 1700’s. Check back for more Fun Facts!
One chapter ends as another will begin. My husband has finally come to terms with his future, and has decided to retire from his employer of 33 years, Publix Super Markets, “where working is a pleasure”. Publix will forever remain in Bobs heart, and green in his blood, for the cultivation of moral character and career opportunity that the company gave to him during his teenage years, and most of all, his adult life.
Based in Lakeland, Fl, and founded by the late George Jenkins, Publix Super Markets dedicated as much to Bob over his 33 year tenure, as he himself dedicated to Publix. Bob once told me that he could never show enough gratitude to ALL the people who helped him on a daily basis, and would like to say here, “Thank you Publix, for letting me be a part of such a premiere organization! Publix will always be a part of me”.
Of the total 67 acres, our ranch home and barn sit atop a knoll of about 20 acres in size, from which the rest of the 47 acres slope gently into a rocky but lush canyon where our pet beasts roam and quench their thirst on Mill Creek below. Whitetail deer, wild turkey, and grouse are known to visit daily, as well as less frequent, and more intimidating sightings of black bear , coyotes, and cougar. Bob has proof of bears roaming freely around Bent Pine, since he still has bear dukie on his boots from his last visit to the ranch. Bobby and I find the total privacy and seclusion of Bent Pine Ranch just perfect for our anti-rat-race campaign. Located just 7 miles outside of Grangeville at the foothills of the Bitteroot Mountains, our ranch is only minutes away from the Clearwater River, which is the river travelled by Lewis and Clark in the final leg of their expedition to the Columbia River Basin. The Salmon and Snake Rivers are nearby as well, sporting locations great for fishing, hiking, white water rafting, camping, and simply, the big sky country.
We’re very excited about our transition from the rat-race to the tranquility of mountain country, and spending quality time with Bob’s brother. Tom is a true mountain man, a hunting afficionado. We’ve got our camping gear in tow, since we’ll be joining Tom on the beautiful summer days and starry nights beside the Salmon River. And finally, I’ll have a dog named “Strut”, the Jack Russell Terrier I’ve always wanted, but never had the heart to confine to condo life. Bob says that he read somewhere that “bears just love Jack Russell Terriers”. Bob has already begun to refer to my little doggie as “Bear Food”. Hmpfh! There will be more to come on this website, so please bookmark this page and keep in touch.
Historical Fun Fact
Did you know, that back at the turn of the 19th century, Lewis and Clark led their Corp of Discovery expedition through these historic mountains, and met the Nez Perce Indians who offered the explorers shelter for the winter? Since Bob is becoming quite an expert historian on the subject of Lewis and Clark, we’ll be adding some interesting historical tidbits about their trek across these parts back in the late 1700’s. Check back for more Fun Facts!